Odoo Q&A
Boost customer satisfaction through our community Q&A solution
GET STARTEDFree. Unlimited Users. Forever.
Find the best answer to your question
Spot what you’re looking for in seconds.
Publish any question on the platform and it will become visible so anyone can answer.
Browse through content thanks to our powerful search engine.
The best answers get flagged and appear closer to the the top to optimize the search.
Make information
more accessible
To customers
Enhance customer satisfaction
Reduce customer service calls by providing quality answers to visitors’ questions about your products and services. Promote the best answers to include them in your official documentation. Centralize your useful content and provide a great FAQ section.
To employees
Improve knowledge sharing
Ask for your colleagues’ help, answer questions and improve answers to boost collaboration between employees.
Stand out from the crowd
Position your organization as an industry leader
Gather unique and remarkable content on your website and establish your site or your brand as a legitimate and trustworthy source of information.
Q&A content is keyword rich and will help your website reinforce its SEO and attract more targeted traffic, resulting in more conversions and more revenue. Grow your community and increase your content to improve your image and visibility.
Fully integrated with Odoo Apps
Email Marketing
Design efficient emails campaigns Send, convert and track your success.
Attract more leads with a winning content marketing strategy.
Create sleek and attractive event pages. Sell online and organize on site.
Live Chat
Engage directly with your website visitors to attract leads and boost online sales.
grow their business with us