Amazingly beautiful
Custom product pages in seconds.
Effortlessly create custom designs for product pages to showcase your business in a unique way.
Drag & drop building blocks to snap your designs into place and showcase your inventory.
Add product attributes such as color, size, or style to keep product lines easy to navigate.
Edit product pages with ease to always have your product information displayed the way you want it to be seen.

An All-in-One solution
Ready to use, out-of-the-box.
With an integrated eCommerce platform, inventory and sales can easily be maintained via automatic stock adjustments and reporting.
Dedicated customer portals help keep customer data organized with order tracking and claims, allowing customers to download invoices and delivery orders as well as view pending shipments from a single location.
“A stunning website is done within a month by a rookie who doesn't have any programming knowledge.”
Winsome Hui, Marketing Director

Suggested products

Marketing optimized
Increase your average cart revenue.
Boost your sales with cross selling and upselling opportunities on product pages, in the cart or at checkout.
Automatically recommend product accessories or suggested products and alternatives to show customers more of the items they might like, as well as provide increased exposure to all of your items in stock.
Amazon (coming soon) and eBay
Get extra exposure. Import and manage your items straight from your Odoo instance to manage all of your stores from a single location.
Supporting both a POS (in-store sales) and CRM (phone sales), experience a truly multi-channel sales software.
UPS, DHL, FedEx, USPS and more...
Speed up your order fulfillment with easy integrations for major shipping carriers and track your packages directly from Odoo.
Select across multiple rates from shipping providers and print shipping labels with just a click.
With the designer touch
Ready-to-use themes
Fully customizable pages and themes that allow you to create a professional design without being a designer. Easily adjust pages to fit your company's unique style.

Fully integrated with other Odoo Apps

Website Builder
Launch an awesome enterprise website that is fully-customizable and SEO friendly.

Attract more visitors to your product pages with a winning content marketing strategy.

Create polished, professional proposals in minutes and let customers sign online.

Email Marketing
Design efficient emails campaigns Send, convert and track your success.
grow their business with us